Monthly Archives: November 2009

My wish, my only request…

So, just to give ample warning, I wanted to let you guys that December 7th is my 21st birthday.  Everyone seems amped up to get me as fucked as possible–to which I am resisting.  I want to have fun, not get sick!  But enough of that…this announcement has an actual purpose.

You see, a week from my birthday will mark the one year anniversary since Eikasia has received its last review from the Web Fiction Guide.  The story has progressed much since then, and I’ve even edited the beginning a number of times…so here’s my request:

Starting on my birthday (not before) if ANY OF YOU give me ONE review on Web Fiction Guide on the 7th of December, you’ll have automatically earned a bonus update from me!  For every additional review up to the 14th, I’ll add 1000 words to the update.  So the first review earns the initial 2000, then a second review makes it 3000, a third makes it 4000, and so on…

Am I crazy for practically ASKING you guys to give me more work?  Maybe.  But I know that Eikasia is long overdue for a proper review, and I want it to come from people who know the story intimately.

Your opinions need not be kind–it’s a review after all.  But I still require you guys to lay down at least 300 words, and make sure to speak to possible readers, NOT me.  The goal of the review is to give newcomers an idea of what Eikasia is about, and whether or not they’ll like it.  If your review consists of two lines telling ME how awesome Eikasia is, I’m afraid it won’t count for the bonus update.  So please don’t do that!

…So there’s my offer.  You guys have THREE WEEKS to do a 300 word review for me!  Be honest, be sincere, and be detailed.  WFG won’t like a hurricane of flimsy reviews, and quite frankly, neither will I.  This is a really easy request to meet, and you guys get a lot in return for little work.  Take advantage of this offer!

Remember, this starts on the 7th of December and ends on the 14th!  Exactly seven days!  Any reviews before the 7th or after the 14th do not count.  Only reviews on Web Fiction Guide will be counted–but reviews to other sites still work toward the normal bonus point pool!

I look forward to hearing what you all have to say!


In the instance that I get more than four reviewers before the 14th, the bonus update may have to be split.  I can only do so much in a short period of time!  Don’t worry, you’ll still get your word count.  😛

P.P.S .

Oh…and hey!  Eikasia’s Facebook page is two fans away from earning you all another bonus update!  Did’ja guys know there’s exclusive Eikasia artwork on FB? Do you have friends you can bug?  Have you added yourself yet!?  Get to it!

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3D1D – “Typhoon: Collector’s Edition”

Hey there everyone! Just wanted to post up some quick news–MCM, the madman behind 3D1D and also the writer of the television show “Rollbots” is releasing the Collector’s Edition of Typhoon! It includes lots of fun extras, and will also be featuring two special black and white ads for Eikasia–one of which contains photographic art of Hakeem! You can pre-order the eBook and the printed book now. I’ll likely be grabbing a copy myself, so please check it out!

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